Computer Stuff

When I got my first computer I decided it was an opportunity to learn a bit about the whole computer. I wanted to know how the machine worked inside and out.

The Hardware

When I say outside, I'm talking about the actual hardware part of the computer. I spent some time learning about the different components that are used to build a computer. How to troubleshoot different problems and how to replace them if it was needed. I also worked at a call center for a while as a technician, taking phone calls and walking people through steps to fix issues.

The Inside

I am talking about the OS (Operating System) and programs when I talk about the inside of the computer. There are so many options on this topic. It actually comes down to the ones you prefer to use. I started with DOS and moved on to most of the computer versions of Windows starting with Windows 3.1. I wouldn't say I was a huge fan of Microsoft anything. It's just what I learned to use so I stick with that. The below links will take you to some of the other programs I use. Most of the programs I use are free.

  • Windows Versions - List of Microsoft Windows versions
  • Windows 10 - Windows 10 information and downloads
  • Microsoft Works - Office Suite that was released in 1988
  • WPS Office - Complete Office Suite plus PDF (Free and Paid Versions)
  • Gimp Photo Editor - Free Image Editor
  • Paint Shop Pro - The version that I have is old and came with one of my computers (Not Free now)
  • For Web pages I use either Notepad or FlexED which is an old program I bought years ago (No Longer Available)

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