Hobbies and Things

There are a lot of things I enjoy doing, but learning about God is at the top of the list. My relationship with Him takes priority over everything else. I always try to let His Holy Spirit guide me in the things that I learn and do. Being able to help people by passing on the knowledge He has given me is the only reason I have it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? - Mark 8:36 kjv

Crochet and Amigurumi

I learned how to crochet a bit when I was in my twenties, but really didn't get too far into it. I picked it up again about eight years ago. Since then I've made so many things I've lost count. Hats, gloves, scarfs, blankets, baby stuff, you name it. After making those kind of things for awhile, amigurumi seemed to be the next logical thing to try. You can see some of the things that were made on this page - Crochet projects.


I started learning website construction about 20 years ago. I found tutorials and started learning HTML. After doing that for a few weeks, I thought I'd try my hand at creating a real website. That's when the Yepidiz website was created. It was a family site where I put up pictures, cool stuff I learned about web design, and random other stuff. A few businesses asked me to do a site for them and I decided to be a website designer. That lasted for a few years, but it just didn't pan out. It was very time consuming. People just weren't willing to pay for the amount of work I was doing. Fast forward to today and now I just do it for fun.

  • HTML For Beginners - Start Learning HTML & CSS Today.
  • Learn HTML & CSS - Beginner to advanced and includes some Bootstrap elements.
  • Learn to Code HTML & CSS - It is a simple and comprehensive guide.
  • PHP Tutorial - For beginners: Learn in 7 Days!
  • Of course, throughout my web design learning adventure, I have also dabbled with CGI, Javascript, Perl, and some photo editing.

Miniature Horses

I have always been a horse fan, but after injuring my back a few years ago, I had to give up riding. I found an alternative. The Miniature horse. Instead of riding on the horse, now I can ride in a cart. It's a lot of fun and there is less bouncing. Miniature horses are far easier to manage as they cost alot less to keep around.

Safe Horse.org - Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) They rescue and rehabilitate horses that have been starved, neglected, abused or are unwanted.